Abdullah Nawaz tarar
4 min readAug 14, 2020



The presence of a substance in an environment which has harmful and poisonous effects on the living species on that particular environment.There are many types of pollution:

1-Air pollution.

2-Water pollution.

3-Land pollution.

4-Noise pollution.

Problem Statement: Pollution has many disadvantages and according to pollution of different types we are not having water to drink with essential nutrients due to water pollution, we are forced to breathe in bad atmosphere with the mixture of different toxic smokes from the chimneys of industries causing air pollution. People are becoming the victim of anxiety and depression due to noise pollution produced by the big honks of vehicles, loud music listening as well by neighbours, use of loudspeakers, use of bikes without silencers.. We are living in a society where the heaps of garbage are at every corner of the community creating the environment, unhealthy for everyone but for infants especially harmful for their growth.

Met different personals of the waste department and brought their attention to this alarming matter but they also were very disappointed because of the behaviour of citizens. They were complaining that we people don’t cooperate with them in this case and also see us by hated eyes and don’t value their profession at all.

Solutions: We can solve these all problems on our own as well as by joining hands with the administration body. By organising different seminars by awaring people about the pollution and their impact on their lives and on their dear ones.

To avoid air pollution we can make sure that every person owning a vehicle has a working air filter along with proper silencer or simply by having eco-friendly automobiles, by making it mandatory by the owners of industries to use filters in their chimneys, we can also clean air by planting more and more trees.

We can avoid water pollution by,

1-Do not pour fat from cooking or any other type of fat, oil, or grease down the sink.

2-Do not dispose of household chemicals or cleaning agents down the sink or toilet.

3-Do not flush pills, liquid or powder medications or drugs down the toilet.

4-By having proper sewerage system.

Noise pollution can be controlled by fining those who are using loudspeakers without any cause and who are using big honks on their bikes or cars.

We can avoid environmental pollution by installing dustbins in public parks, railway stations, airports, bus stations along the roads and in societies as well and should be cleared daily by waste management, people should be fined for throwing garbage on roadsides out of bins. By making people realize the importance of a healthy and fresh environment.

I feel very satisfied after getting close to this problem as cleanliness is an integral part of religion and this is mandatory for all of us to keep our surroundings clean and tidy and feeling very light at the moment.

